Lumion Qualified Staff Freelancers

Unleash the deepest talent pool on the planet to deliver perfect drawings at a fraction of the cost of a local team member, (and a fraction of the hassle).

Outsourcing Lumion-qualified staff from the Philippines can be a cost-effective solution for businesses looking to expand their workforce without incurring additional expenses. Here are 10 steps to follow when outsourcing Lumion-qualified staff freelancers in the Philippines:

1.   Step 1: Define your requirements and job description

  • Identify the specific Lumion-related tasks and responsibilities you want the freelancer to handle.

  • Determine the required level of expertise and experience.

  • Specify the number of hours the freelancer is expected to work.

  • Set a clear budget for the project.

2.   Step 2: Research and identify outsourcing platforms

  • Research popular outsourcing platforms and compare their fees, services, and user reviews.

  • Choose a platform that specializes in hiring and managing freelancers with Lumion skills, if possible.

3.   Step 3: Create an account on the outsourcing platform

  • Go to the website of your chosen outsourcing platform.

  • Click on the “Sign up” or “Create an account” button.

  • Fill out the registration form with your name, email address, and other required details.

  • Verify your email address.

4.   Post your job listing

  • Click on the “Post a job” or “Hire a freelancer” button on your account dashboard.

  • Fill out the job description form with detailed and accurate information about the project and its requirements.

  • Choose the Lumion-related skills you need the freelancer to have.

  • Indicate the budget range and payment method.

5.   Step 5: Shortlist candidates

  • Wait for applicants to submit their proposals.

  • Review each proposal carefully and check the freelancer’s Lumion-related skills and experience.

  • Shortlist the candidates whose proposals match your requirements and budget.

6.   Step 6: Conduct Interviews

  • Schedule an interview with each shortlisted candidate.

  • Use video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Skype to conduct the interview.

  • Ask questions about the candidate’s experience, skills, and availability.

  • Evaluate the candidate’s communication skills and attitude.

7.   Step 7: Check references and portfolios

  • Contact the candidate’s references to verify their work history and performance.

  • Review the candidate’s Lumion-related portfolio or sample work to assess their expertise and creativity.

  • Look for evidence of successful projects and positive feedback from clients.

8.   Step 8: Negotiate terms and agree on rates

  • Negotiate the terms of the engagement, including the work schedule, deadlines, and deliverables.

  • Agree on a fair and reasonable rate for the freelancer’s services.

  • Discuss the payment method and schedule, and make sure both parties agree on the terms.

9.   Step 9: Provide clear instructions and guidelines

  • Provide the freelancer with clear instructions and guidelines on the project scope, objectives, and expectations.

  • Use project management tools such as Trello or Asana to organize the project and communicate with the freelancer.

  • Set milestones and deadlines, and track the freelancer’s progress regularly.

10.   Step 10: Monitor progress and provide feedback

  • Monitor the freelancer’s progress and performance closely.

  • Provide regular feedback and guidance to help freelancer improve their work.

  • Address any issues or concerns promptly and respectfully.

  • Express your appreciation and satisfaction when the project is completed successfully.

By following these specific and detailed procedures, you can successfully outsource Lumion's qualified staff freelancers in the Philippines and enjoy the benefits of working with skilled and affordable talent.

how it works

Purchase a block of hours and use those hours on any projects you have, over any period of time.

These hours never expire.

Dedicated Staff

You'll be allocated a Team Leader and dedicated staff member who gets to know you, your systems, and your objectives so your drawings are completed quickly and correctly.

Multiple A&D Disciplines

You get access to a whole team of skill sets. Need a project that requires a certain type of skill one week, but another skill the week after?

We've got you covered.

Time Tracked

We use third third-party software to track time and activity levels so you know what staff are working on and how long it is taking to complete.


Our Team of 110+ Architectural Designers are at your disposal 24 hours / 7 days a week.

You allocate a project or task and we're all over it.

What our clients say

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