The Benefits of Outsourcing Freelance Staff to Render Houses in the Philippines

Unleash the deepest talent pool on the planet to deliver perfect drawings at a fraction of the cost of a local team member, (and a fraction of the hassle).

Outsourcing freelance staff to render houses in the Philippines can have several benefits, including:

1.   Cost savings:

Outsourcing to the Philippines can result in significant cost savings for businesses, as labor costs are generally lower than in other countries.

2.   High-quality work:

Filipino freelancers are known for their excellent work quality, attention to detail, and proficiency in English, making communication easier.

3.   Access to skilled talent:

The Philippines has a large pool of highly skilled and experienced freelancers, including architects and designers, that are available to work on outsourced projects.

4.   Time-zone advantage:

The Philippines' time zone is favorable for many countries, including the US and Australia, as it allows for work to be done overnight and delivered in the morning.

5.   Flexibility:

Freelancers in the Philippines are often more flexible than those in other countries, and can work on short notice or during non-traditional work hours.

6.   Faster turnaround time:

The large talent pool and the time-zone advantage can enable faster turnaround times, ensuring that projects are completed on time or ahead of schedule.

7.   Cultural compatibility:

The Philippines has a Western-influenced culture and shares many similarities with Western countries in terms of work ethics, values, and communication styles.

8.   Familiarity with software:

Filipino freelancers are often familiar with the latest software and tools used in the industry, making them well-equipped to handle various projects.

9.   Reliability:

Filipino freelancers are known for their reliability and professionalism, making them an excellent choice for long-term partnerships.

10.   Ease of communication:

English is the primary language in the Philippines, making communication with Filipino freelancers easy and efficient, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and delays.

Overall, outsourcing freelance staff to render houses in the Philippines can provide numerous benefits, such as cost savings, high-quality work, access to skilled talent, time-zone advantage, flexibility, faster turnaround time, cultural compatibility, familiarity with software, reliability, and ease of communication.

how it works

Purchase a block of hours and use those hours on any projects you have, over any period of time.

These hours never expire.

Dedicated Staff

You'll be allocated a Team Leader and dedicated staff member who gets to know you, your systems, and your objectives so your drawings are completed quickly and correctly.

Multiple A&D Disciplines

You get access to a whole team of skill sets. Need a project that requires a certain type of skill one week, but another skill the week after?

We've got you covered.

Time Tracked

We use third third-party software to track time and activity levels so you know what staff are working on and how long it is taking to complete.


Our Team of 110+ Architectural Designers are at your disposal 24 hours / 7 days a week.

You allocate a project or task and we're all over it.

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