Scaling Your Architecture Business with Remote Revit Drafting Teams in the Philippines

Unleash the deepest talent pool on the planet to deliver perfect drawings at a fraction of the cost of a local team member, (and a fraction of the hassle).

Scaling an architecture business can be challenging, especially when it comes to staffing. Hiring remote Revit drafting teams in the Philippines can be an effective way to scale your business. Here are some steps to take:

1.   Define roles and responsibilities:

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your in-house and offshore Revit drafting staff to avoid duplication of work and miscommunication. Make sure that everyone understands their role in the project and how their work fits into the overall project goals.

2.   Establish communication protocols:

Establish communication protocols that work for both in-house and offshore staff. This includes defining communication channels, frequency of communication, and preferred time for meetings. It’s important to ensure that communication channels are accessible and reliable for both in-house and offshore staff.

3.  Conduct interviews and evaluations: 

Once you have identified potential candidates, conduct interviews and evaluations to assess their skills and experience. You may also want to ask for references and review their portfolios to ensure they have the necessary expertise.

4.   Develop clear communication protocols: 

Clear communication protocols are essential when working with a remote team. Establish communication channels, set expectations for response times, and establish regular check-ins to ensure everyone is on the same page.

5.   Monitor and evaluate performance: 

Monitor the performance of your remote Revit drafting team regularly. Use metrics to measure productivity and quality, and provide feedback and coaching to help your team improve.

6.   Build a strong team culture:

Building a strong team culture is important for any business, but especially for remote teams. Use team-building exercises, recognition programs, and other initiatives to build a strong team culture and foster engagement.

In conclusion, scaling an architecture business with remote Revit drafting teams in the Philippines requires careful planning and execution. By defining your needs, finding a reputable outsourcing agency, conducting interviews and evaluations, developing clear communication protocols, monitoring and evaluating performance, and building a strong team culture, you can successfully scale your business and achieve your goals.

how it works

Purchase a block of hours and use those hours on any projects you have, over any period of time.

These hours never expire.

Dedicated Staff

You'll be allocated a Team Leader and dedicated staff member who gets to know you, your systems, and your objectives so your drawings are completed quickly and correctly.

Multiple A&D Disciplines

You get access to a whole team of skill sets. Need a project that requires a certain type of skill one week, but another skill the week after?

We've got you covered.

Time Tracked

We use third third-party software to track time and activity levels so you know what staff are working on and how long it is taking to complete.


Our Team of 110+ Architectural Designers are at your disposal 24 hours / 7 days a week.

You allocate a project or task and we're all over it.

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