Building Your Dream Team: Combining In-house and Offshore Revit Drafting Staff in the Philippines

Unleash the deepest talent pool on the planet to deliver perfect drawings at a fraction of the cost of a local team member, (and a fraction of the hassle).

Building a dream team of Revit drafters can involve a combination of in-house and offshore staff in the Philippines. In-house staff can provide expertise in local regulations, client communication, and quality control, while offshore staff can provide cost-effective labor and specialized skills. By combining both, architecture firms can achieve high-quality work while maintaining profitability.

Here are some tips on how to effectively combine in-house and offshore Revit drafting staff in the Philippines:

1.   Define roles and responsibilities:

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of your in-house and offshore Revit drafting staff to avoid duplication of work and miscommunication. Make sure that everyone understands their role in the project and how their work fits into the overall project goals.

2.   Establish communication protocols:

Establish communication protocols that work for both in-house and offshore staff. This includes defining communication channels, frequency of communication, and preferred time for meetings. It’s important to ensure that communication channels are accessible and reliable for both in-house and offshore staff.

3. Provide proper training:

Ensure that your in-house and offshore staff have the necessary training and resources to do their work effectively. Provide access to the latest Revit software and other tools needed for the project. Additionally, provide training sessions for new software releases and updates to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

4.   Encourage teamwork:

Encourage teamwork and collaboration between your in-house and offshore staff to foster a positive work environment. This can be done by assigning joint tasks, conducting team-building exercises, and using tools that allow team members to work together, such as cloud-based collaboration tools.

5.   Be flexible:

Be flexible and willing to adjust work schedules or communication channels to accommodate time zone differences. Make sure that everyone understands the expectations and workloads, and that they are aware of any changes to project timelines.

6.   Set clear goals:

Set clear goals for the project and regularly evaluate progress. Celebrate milestones and provide feedback on work to keep everyone motivated.

It’s important to note that building a dream team of Revit drafters involves finding the right balance between in-house and offshore staff. In-house staff can provide local knowledge and expertise, while offshore staff can provide cost-effective labor and specialized skills. Combining both can lead to high-quality work while maintaining profitability.

In conclusion, by defining roles and responsibilities, establishing communication protocols, providing proper training, encouraging teamwork, being flexible, and setting clear goals, architecture firms can effectively combine in-house and offshore Revit drafting staff in the Philippines to create a successful project.

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